
作者: 时间:2016-03-18 点击数:


姜子涛:博士,香港中文正规博彩平台博士后。现任我校正规博彩平台教授、科技处处长、《正规博彩平台》硕士研究生导师、天津科技正规博彩平台《正规博彩平台》博士生导师,天津市重点学科《正规博彩平台》学科带头人,天津市食品生物技术重点实验室学术带头人。中国农业工程学会农产品贮藏与加工分会常务理事、中国农学会农产品贮藏加工分会理事、中国化学会有机分析专业委员会委员。主要研究方向:① 食品添加剂,② 天然食品资源的研究与开发,③ 微量成分分离鉴定。主持或作为主要研究人员完成国家自然科学基金及省部级项目多项,现主持天津市自然科学基金重点项目一项。发表学术论文253篇,取得发明专利7项。所发表的论文中有59篇论文用英文发表在国际著名的学术刊物,如Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryTalantaEuropean Food Research and TechnologyFoodAnalytical MethodsFood Technology and BiotechnologyJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants等,并被SCI收录。Discourse Journal of Agriculture and Food SciencesAnalytical Chemistry Letters编委,国外二十余种SCI杂志和国内部分核心期刊审稿人。指导毕业研究生29人,其中一人获得首届天津市优秀硕士学位论文(2013年)。现有在校研究生9人。

Tel: 022-26669671, E-mail: ztjiang@thisiscommunication.com


1. Z. T. Jiang, X. Feng, R. Li, Y. Wang.Composition comparison of essential oils extracted by classical hydrodistillation and microwave-assisted hydrodistillation fromPimenta dioica.Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2013, 16(1): 45-50.

2. M. Li, R. Li, J. Tan, Z. T. Jiang. Titania-based molecularly imprinted polymer for sulfonic acid dyes prepared by sol-gel method.Talanta, 2013, 107: 203-210.

3. J. Wei, Z. T. Jiang, S. Jiang, R. Li, J. Tan, Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of macro-mesoporous titania monolith and its application in the chromatographic separation of carboxylate compounds.Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2013, 36(12): 1616-1630.

4. L. C. Yang, R. Li, J. Tan, Z. T. Jiang. Polyphenolics composition of the leaves ofZanthoxylum bungeanumMaxim. grown in Hebei, China, and their radical scavenging activities.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(8): 1772-1778.

5. L. X. Du, Z. T. Jiang, R. Li.Preparation of porous titania microspheres for HPLC packing by sol-gel method.Materials Letters,2013, 95: 17-20.

6. J. Tan, M. Li, R. Li, Z. T. Jiang. Functional monomer free synthesis of molecularly imprinted titania for solid-phase extraction of nicotinic acid.Analytical Methods,2013, 5: 1245-1252.

7. J. Tan, Z. T. Jiang, R. Li, X. P. Yan,Molecularly-imprinted monoliths for sample treatment and separation.TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry,2012, 39: 207-217.

8. J. Tan, R. Li, Z. T. Jiang, Determination of melamine in liquid milk and milk powder by titania-based ligand-exchange hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography.Food Analytical Methods,2012, 5(5): 1062-1069.

9. J. Wei, Z. T. Jiang, R. Li, J. Tan. Use of the synthesized titania monolith to determine benzoic acid and vanillin in foodstuffs by HPLC.Analytical Letters,2012, 45(12): 1724-1735.

10. J. Wei, Z. T. Jiang, R. Li, J. Tan,Preparation of titania monolith column and application in determination of benzoic acid by HILIC.Chromatographia,2012, 75(11-12): 563-569.

11. Y. Wang, Z. T. Jiang, R. Li, Antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging potential andchemical composition ofLitsea cubebaessential oil.Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2012, 15(1): 134-143.

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