
作者: 时间:2016-03-18 点击数:

黄 震 博士

教 授 硕士生导师

办公室:新实验大楼3号楼 815


通讯地址:天津正规博彩平台正规博彩平台机械工程学院包装工程系 正规博彩平台


讲授课程: 《正规博彩平台》、《正规博彩平台》

课外指导: 2009年第十届“挑战杯”天津市正规博彩平台生课外学术科技作品竞赛,二等奖




* 超临界流体萃取技术研究


* 膜制备与分离应用


* 可降解高分子材料


* 微胶囊材料的制备与表征



* 美国化学工程师协会会员

* 国际分子筛协会会员

* The Open Thermodynamics Journal 编辑

* Journal of Membrane Sciences

* Journal of Supercritical Fluids

* Chemical Engineering Journal

* Separation and Purification Technology

* Microporous and mesoporous Materials

* Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research

* Journal of Applied Polymer Science

* Desalination

* Polymer for Advanced Technologies

* 天津正规博彩平台学报

* 过程工程学报

* 农业工程学报

* 包装工程

* 食品工业科技


* ①国家自然科学基金“二元混合固溶质在超临界CO2中溶解平衡的复杂行为研究(20676107, 21万),项目负责人,2006.1-2009.12;

* ②教育部回国人员科研启动基金项目“超临界流体技术用于萃取介孔材料有机模板剂的研究(教外司留[2008]890号, 2万)”,课题负责人;

* ③“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重大专项“食品包装新材料研究与开发(2006BAD05A05, 904.5万)”,第五参加者(49人),2006.1-2008.12;

* ④国家自然科学青年基金“相变微胶囊/固体介质复合材料结构热稳定性与传热性研究(50803045, 20万)”,第二参加者,2009.1-2012.12。


发表学术论文、会议论文100 余篇,其中SCI 收录40 多篇,论文他引400多 次;申请10 多项发明专利,7项获得授权。


[1] Zhen Huang, Hui–shan Li, Yu–hua Guo, Li–jun Teng, Hui Miao, Modified supercritical CO2 extraction of amine template from hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) materials: Effects of template identity and matrix Al/Si molar ratio, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, in press

[2] Zhen Huang*, Hui Miao, Jing–huan Li, Jia-lin Wei, S. Kawi, M.W. Lai, Removal of organic template from aluminosilicate MCM–41 materials with modifier-enhanced supercritical CO2 extraction: effect of matrix Al/Si ratios and different modifiers, Separation and Purification Technology, 118(2013) 170–178

[3] Zhen Huang*, Jing–huan Li, Hui–shan Li, Hui Miao, S. Kawi, A.H. Goh, Effect of the polar modifiers on supercritical extraction efficiency for template removal from hexagonal mesoporous silica materials: solubility parameter and polarity considerations, Separation and Purification Technology, 118(2013), 120–126.

[4] Zhen Huang*, Jing–Huan Li, Hui–shan Li, Li–jun Teng, S. Kawi, M.W. Lai, Effects of polar modifiers on supercritical extraction efficiency for organic template removal from mesoporous MCM–41 materials, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 82(2013) 96–105.

[5] Zhen Huang*, Xiao-Han Shi, Wei-Juan Jiang. Theoretical Models for Supercritical Fluid Extraction, Journal of Chromatography A, 1250 (2012) 2– 26. Invited Review

[6] Zhen Huang*, Mei-Jing Yang, Shao-Fang Liu, Qing Ma, Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Baizhu: Experiments and modelling, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 58 (2011) 31– 39.

[7] Zhen Huang*, Li Xu, Jing-Huan Li, S. Kawi, A.H. Goh. Organic template removal from hexagonal mesoporous silica by means of methanol-enhanced CO2 extraction: Effects of temperature, pressure and flow rate, Separation and Purification Technology, 77 (2011) 112–119.

[8] Zhen Huang*, Li Xu, Jing-Huan Li. Amine extraction from hexagonal mesoporous silica materials by means of methanol-enhanced supercritical CO2: Experimental and modelling, Chemical Engineering Journal. 166 (2011) 461–467.

[9] Zhen Huang, Mei Feng, Junfeng Su, Yuhua Guo, Tie-Yan Liu, Yee C. Chiew. Influence of supercritical CO2 pressurization on the phase behavior of mixed cholesteryl esters,International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 397(2010) 130-135.

[10]Zhen Huang*, Mei Feng, Yuhua Guo, Junfeng Su, Yan Shi, Yee C. Chiew. Influence of matrix composition on the ternary solubility of cholesteryl esters in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 285 (2009) 48-55.

[11]Zhen Huang*, Mei Feng, Yuhua Guo, Junfeng Su, Lijun Teng, Tieyan Liu, Yee C. Chiew. Ternary solubility of mixed cholesteryl esters in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 272 (2008) 8–17. Highly evaluated

[12]Zhen Huang*, Yee C. Chiew, Mei Feng, Hui Miao, Jing-Huan Li, Li Xu. Modeling aspirin and naproxen ternary solubility in supercritical CO2/alcohol with a new Peng-Robinson EOS plus association model, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 43(2007) 259-266.

[13]Zhen Huang*, Xue-Wen Yang, Ge-Biao Sun, Shi-Wei Song, S. Kawi. The solubilities of xanthone and xanthene in supercritical carbon dioxide: Structure effect, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 36 (2005) 91-97.

[14]Zhen Huang*, Ge-Biao Sun, Yee C. Chiew, S. Kawi. Formation of ultrafine aspirin particles through rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS), Powder Technology, 160(2005) 127-134. 他引 50次

[15]Zhen Huang*, Ge-Biao Sun, S. Kawi*, Yan Shi, Rui Wen, Shi-Wei Song. Solubilities of xanthone and xanthene in supercritical CO2, Fluid phase Equilibria, 238(2005) 26-32.

[16]Zhen Huang*, Wei-Dong Lu, Yee C. Chiew, S. Kawi. Solubility of aspirin in supercritical carbon dioxide/alcohol mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 237(2005) 9-15.

[17]Zhen Huang*, Yu-Hua Guo, Ge-Biao Sun, Yee C. Chiew, S. Kawi. Representing dyestuff solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide with several density-based correlations, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 236(2005) 136-145.

[18]P. Hirunsit, Zhen Huang, T. Srinophakun, M. Charoenchaitrakool, S. Kawi. Particle formation of ibuprofen–supercritical CO2 system from rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS): A mathematical model, Powder Technology, 154(2005) 83-94.

[19]Zhen Huang, D-Y. Luan, S.-C. Shen, K. Hidajat, S. Kawi. Supercritical fluid extraction of the organic template from synthesized porous materials: Effect of pore size, Journal ofSupercritical Fluids, 35(2005) 40-48.

[20]Zhen Huang, L. Huang, S.-C. Shen, C.C. Poh, K. Hidajat, S. Kawi, S.C. Ng. High quality mesoporous materials prepared by supercritical fluid extraction: Effect of curing treatment on their structural stability, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 80(2005) 157-163.

[21]Zhen Huang, W.D. Lu, S. Kawi, Y. C. Chiew. Solubility of aspirin in supercritical carbon dioxide with/without acetone, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 49 (2004) 1323-1327.

[22]Zhen Huang, S. Kawi, Y. C. Chiew. Application of the Perturbed Lennard-Jones Chain equation of state (PLJC EOS) to solute solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 216(2004) 111-122.

[23]Zhen Huang, S. Kawi, Y. C. Chiew. Solubilities of cholesterol and its esters in supercritical carbon dioxide with/without cosolvents, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 30 (2004) 25-39. 他引 35次


[24]Zhen Huang*, Yu-hua Guo, Tian-ming Zhang, Xiao-hong Zhang, Li-ying Guo, Fabrication and characterizations of zeolite beta filled polyethylene composite films, Packaging Technology and Science, accepted.

[25]Zhen Huang*, Li Xu, Jing-Huan Li, Gui-Mei Guo, Yong Wang, Adsorption equilibrium of CO2 and CH4 on zeolite beta at pressures up to 2000 kPa using a static volumetric method, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 55(2010) 2123-2127. 他引 1次

[26]Zhen Huang*, Jun-Feng Su, Xiao-Qun Su, Yu-Hua Guo, Li-Jun Teng, Chuan Min Yang. Preparation and Permeation Characterization of beta-Zeolite-Incorporated Composite Membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112(2009) 9-18. 他引 6次

[27]Zhen Huang*, Jun-Feng Su, Yu-Hua Guo, Xiao-Qin Su, Li-Jun Teng. Synthesis of well-crystallized zeolite beta at large scale and its incorporation into polysulfone matrix for gas separations, Chemical Engineering Communications, 196(2009) 969-986. 他引 2次Highly evaluated

[28]Zhen Huang*, Yan Shi, Rui Wen, Yu-Hua Guo, Jun-Feng Su, T. Matsuura: Multilayer poly(vinyl alcohol)-zeolite 4A composite membranes for ethanol dehydration by means of pervaporation, Separation and Purification Technology, 51(2006) 126-136. 他引 27次

[29]Zhen Huang*, Yi Li, Rui Wen, May May Teoh, Santi Kulprathipanja: Enhanced gas separation properties by using nanostructured PES-zeolite 4A mixed matrix membranes,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 101(2006) 3800-3805. 他引 16次

[30]Zhen Huang*, Huai-min Guan, Wee Lee Tan, Xiang-Yi Qiao, Santi Kulprathipanja: Pervaporation study of aqueous ethanol solution through zeolite-incorporated multilayer poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes: Effect of zeolites, Journal of Membrane Science, 276(2006) 260–271. 他引 46次

[31]Yi Li, Tai-Shung Chung, Zhen Huang, Santi Kulprathipanja: Dual-layer polyethersulfone (PES)/BTDA-TDI/MDI co-polyimide (P84) hollow fiber membranes with a submicron PES-zeolite beta mixed matrix dense-selective layer for gas separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 277(2006) 28–37. 他引17次

[32]H.M. Guan, T. S. Chung, Zhen Huang, M.L. Chng, S. Kulprathipanja, Poly(vinyl alcohol) multilayer mixed matrix membranes for the dehydration of ethanol-water mixture,Journal of Membrane Science, 268(2006) 113-122. 他引 35次

[33]L.-Y. Jiang, T. S. Chung, C. Cao, Zhen Huang and S. Kulprathipanja; Fundamental understanding of nano-sized zeolite distribution in the formation of the mixed matrix single- and dual-layer asymmetric hollow fiber membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 252(2005) 89-100. 他引 22次.


[34]Yu-hua Guo, Shu-cai Li, Gao-sheng Wang, Wei Ma, Zhen Huang*, Waterborne polyurethane/poly(n-butyl acrylate-styrene) hybrid emulsions: Particle formation, film properties, and application, Progress in Organic Coatings, 74 (2012) 248– 256.

[35]Jun-Feng Su, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Zhen Huang, Xin-Yu Wang, Xu-Zhen Lu, Li-Dan Zhang, Sheng-Bao Wang, Physicochemical properties of soy protein isolate/carboxymethyl cellulose blend films crosslinked by Maillard reactions: Color, transparency and heat-sealing ability, Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for biological applications, 32(2012) 40-46.

[36]Jun-Feng Su, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Zhen Huang, Wen-Long Xia. Properties stability and biodegradation behaviors of soy protein isolate/poly (vinyl alcohol) blend films, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 95(2010) 1226-1237. 他引4次

[37]Jun-Feng Su, Zhen Huang, Yun-Hui Zhao, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Min Li. Moisture sorption and water vapor permeability of soy protein isolate/poly(vinyl alcohol)/glycerol blend films,Industrial Crops and Products, 31(2010) 266-276. 他引7次

[38]Jun-Feng Su, Xin-Yu Wang, Zhen Huang, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Min Li, Wen-Long Xia, Cai-Ling Feng, Heat-sealing properties of soy protein isolate/poly(vinyl alcohol) blend films: Effect of the heat-sealing temperature, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115(2010) 1901-1911. 他引2次

[39]Jun-Feng Su, Zhen Huang, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Xin-Yu Wang, Min Li, Structure and properties of carboxymethyl cellulose/soy protein isolate blend edible films crosslinked by Maillard reactions, Carbohydrate Polymers, 79(2010) 145-153. 他引21次

[40]Jun-Feng Su, Zhen Huang, Chuan-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Properties of soy protein isolate/poly (vinyl alcohol) blend 'green' films: compatibility, mechanical properties and thermal stability, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 110(2008) 3706-3716. 他引9次

[41]Jun-Feng Su, Zhen Huang, Kai Liu, Ling-Ling Fu, Hong-Ru Liu, Mechanical properties, biodegradation and water vapor permeability of blend films of soy protein isolate and poly (vinyl alcohol) compatibilized by glycerol, Polymer Bulletin 58 (2007) 913-921. 他引 15次


[42]Jun-Feng Su, Xin-Yu Wang, Sheng-Bao Wang, Yun-Hui Zhao, Zhen Huang, Fabrication and properties of microencapsulated-paraffin/gypsum-matrix building materials for thermal energy storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 55 (2012) 101–107. 他引1次

[43]Jun-Feng Su, Xin-Yu Wang, Zhen Huang, Yun-Hui Zhao, Xiao-Yan Yuan. Thermal conductivity of microPCMs-filled epoxy matrix composites, Colloid and Polymer Science, 289(2011) 1535-1542.

[44]Jun-Feng Su, Sheng-Bao Wang, Yun-Yi Zhang, Zhen Huang. Physicochemical properties and mechanical characters of methanol-modified melamine-formaldehyde (MMF) shell microPCMs containing paraffin, Colloid and Polymer Science, 289(2011) 111-119. 他引1次

[45]Jun-Feng Su, Sheng-Bao Wang, Jian-Wei Zhou Zhen Huang, Yun-Hui Zhao, Xiao-Yan Yuan, Yun-Yi Zhang, Jin-Bao Kou. Fabrication and interfacial morphologies of methanol-melamine-formaldehyde (MMF) shell microPCMs/epoxy composites, Colloid and Polymer Science, 289(2011) 169-177. 他引1次

[46]Jun-Feng Su, Zhen Huang, Li Ren, High compact melamine-formaldehyde microPCMs containing n-octadecane fabricated by a two-step coacervation method, Colloid and Polymer Science, 285 (2007) 1581-1591. 他引11次

[47]Jun-Feng Su, Li-Xin Wang, Li Ren, Zhen Huang, Mechanical properties and thermal stability of double-shell thermal-energy storage microcapsules, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 103 (2007) 1295-1302. 他引 9次

[48]Jun-Feng Su, Li-Xin Wang, Li Ren, Zhen Huang, Xian-Wen Meng, Preparation and characterization of polyurethane microcapsules containing n-octadecane with styrene-maleic anhydride as a surfactant by interfacial polycondensation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 102 (2006) 4996-5006. 他引 6次

Book Chapter

Huang Zhen, Why is Naphthalene Extensively used for Solubility Comparison?, intended edited book Chapters, Supercritical Fluids, Series: Condensed Matter Research and Technology, Pub. Date: 2009 4th Quarter Editors: Marcel R. Belinsky, Nova Publishers (ISBN: 978-1-60741-930-3), 689-706.


[1] 苏峻峰, 黄震, 滕立军, 石岩, 郭玉花, 计宏伟. 高强度耐水大豆分离蛋白包装薄膜及其制备方法和应用, 申请日期:2005.12.02,专利申请号:200510122082.8, 授权公告日期: 2010.02.03, 授权号: CN 10058700C。

[2] 黄震, 杨传民, 苏峻峰, 郭玉花, 滕立军. 分子筛填充可降解聚合物基复合膜及其制备方法, 申请日期:2007.12.11,专利申请号: 200710150937.7,授权公告日期: 2010.06.30,授权号: CN101220161 B。

[3] 杨传民, 黄震, 孟宪文, 刘铁岩, 滕立军, 苏峻峰, 郭玉花. 一种可食性混合纸膜及其以抄纸工艺为主的生产方法,申请日期:2007.12.27,专利申请号:200710060405.4,授权公告日期: 2010.10.06,授权号: CN 101195976 B。

[4] 杨传民, 黄震, 孟宪文, 刘铁岩, 滕立军, 苏峻峰, 郭玉花. 一种可食性混合膜及其以流延工艺为主的生产方法,申请日期:2007.12.27, 专利申请号: 200710060406.9,授权公告日期: 2010.11.10,授权号: CN 101194682 B。

[5] 黄震, 杨传民, 苏峻峰, 郭玉花, 滕立军. 食品气调包装用PE复合保鲜包装膜及制备方法和应用, 申请日期:2007.12.07,专利申请号: 200710150795.4, 授权公告日期: 2011.03.23,授权号: CN 101205306 B。

[6] 周凡力,黄震,王丽艳,张静,灯管包装,申请日期: 2010.11.11,专利申请号:201010538243.2,授权公告日期:2012.05.30,授权号: CN 102030152 B。(同名实用新型专利申请号: 201020601572.2,2010.11.11申请, 授权公告日期: 2011.06.29,授权号: CN 201882447 U。)

[7] 黄震,马晴,杨美静. 从酸浆宿萼中提取类胡萝卜素的方法,申请日期: 2010.10.18,专利申请号: 201010510875.8, 授权公告日期: 2013.08.07, 授权号: CN 101973920 B。

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